“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food"
Hippocrates,the father of medicine
Live to Eat....
.... Eat to Live

Food: One of the basic physiological needs, as outlined according to Maslow's theory of needs, that have to be satisfied before higher needs like social needs and esteem can be recognised.

Today, food has taken on a new image. People no longer consume foods to fufil their basic physiological needs...

Welcome to the world of Food Fads! Yes, fads that not only happen on the catwalk platform of fashion capitals like Milan, Paris and New York but on the plate and shelves around us today!

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Thursday, September 18, 2008

Recall of Yili Natural Choice Fruit Yogurt Flavoured Ice Bar with Real Fruit

From AVA:

The Hong Kong Centre for Food Safety (CFS) has issued a press release on the recall of "Yili brand" Natural Choice Yogurt Flavoured Ice Bar with Real Fruit (90ml), produced by Shanghai Yili AB Foods Co. Ltd., as a sample of the product was found to contain low levels of melamine (15ppm).

As a precautionary measure, AVA has advised importers and retailers to ermove this product from the market and withhold them from sale immediately, pending the result of AVA's investigation and tests.

AVA advises consumers who have bought the implicated product not to consume them.

In addition, AVA is conducting tests on other imported milk and dairy products from China for melamine contamination.

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