“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food"
Hippocrates,the father of medicine
Live to Eat....
.... Eat to Live

Food: One of the basic physiological needs, as outlined according to Maslow's theory of needs, that have to be satisfied before higher needs like social needs and esteem can be recognised.

Today, food has taken on a new image. People no longer consume foods to fufil their basic physiological needs...

Welcome to the world of Food Fads! Yes, fads that not only happen on the catwalk platform of fashion capitals like Milan, Paris and New York but on the plate and shelves around us today!

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Friday, January 8, 2010

Recall of Bonsoy Soy Milk in Singapore

From: AVA

The Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) has issued an alert on the recall of a soy milk product, Bonsoy Soy Milk (1 Litre). This is due to the presence of unusually high levels of iodine in this product.

The Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority (AVA) has conducted tests on the Bonsoy soy milk products that have been imported into Singapore and confirmed similarly high levels of iodine in these products. AVA has therefore required the importer and retailers to recall the implicated product from the market.

Excessive consumption of high levels of iodine may affect the thyroid gland, leading to thyroid disorders. It is strongly advised that individuals who have consumed the above product and feel unwell should seek medical attention immediately. All pregnant women who have consumed BonSoy Soy Milk should inform their obstetrician so that the appropriate tests can be conducted for their babies at birth.

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